Friday, July 8, 2011

Back to you ...

11th June 2011.... Apart from marking my parent's 30th anniversary, this day holds another special significance for me. It was the culmination of two months worth of fighting off loneliness, struggling through various decisions, and the insufferable pain of being away from the person you most want to be with.
It all started with the husband taking up an overseas trip, which could not be delayed any further. With that, started the madness to shop,pack,unpack and then pack again until his flight to US of A left the Calcutta airport. The following couple of days saw every member of the family working up to cope with the feeling of not being able to see him for quite some time.  
I started searching for some position at or near Irving,TX to be with RS. Ironically all the openings matching my profile chose to be far far away, around the north-east coast area. After debating with RS and thinking and re-thinking for few days about options of him relocating to those areas, I realized I needed to make my goal clear. And there it was, everything started falling into its place. I found that if I were to take up those jobs, it would be a couple more months or even a year before I get to be with him while on the other hand if I wanted to stay with him right away, I would most likely need to leave my job.
After weighing my options for a few weeks, resignation seemed like the only option as all I wanted was to live with my husband ASAP.So I thought of going ahead with that.I chose my family over my career. Does that make me any less hard core or non-career-istic? I dont know and neither do I care! I just know this is what I want and this is what will make me happy!
As fate will have it, out of no-where I got an offer right near the husband's location. However, the profile had no link whatsoever with my domain and ignoring my 6 years of experience ,I took it up. This was harder than resignation, as I gave up doing something I had come to love in these 6 years. But what made it easy was the moment, when I saw him waiting at the Dallas-Fortworth Airport for me, with a bunch of the most beautiful flowers and chocolates. The moment, was a silent witness to my moist eyes, as I realized I was finally with him and as of that moment, we were together again!


  1. Aww! Very nicely written. Read this post after few years and you will look back and think that you made one of the most sensible decisions of your life. Life is meant to be together. Enjoy it and have a blast !

  2. Thanks Di... My feelings exactly!!

  3. Well am impressed :D
