Thursday, June 2, 2016

The last goodbye...

I was wrapped around her in a hug, in an attempt to feel her soft,albeit cold skin, to the fullest, as tears streamed unheld from my eyes. I didn't want to believe she is not there anymore. I won't hear her voice again or feel her hug me with all her love.

I have lost a grandmother before. But that was 25 years ago. And I sparsely remember how I felt at that moment.I lost my only living grandparent today.

My Thamma (Paternal grandmother) used to sleep with me. I loved the stories she used to tell me. One day she said, "Joto golpo shonar ache shune ne. Ami ar beshi din thakbona ( Let me tell you all the stories you want to hear as I am not going to live long)". Of course I didn't believe her. She was fit as a fiddle. She passed away calmly in her son's arms all of a sudden, a week later.
The night after that, while going to sleep, I saw her standing at the foot of my bed and smiling. I probably just wanted to see her again , as I didn't get to say my goodbyes. In the playful shadows that the Krishnachura tree threw in the streetlight , I saw her there. Or maybe, she just wanted to see me once.

I didn't get to say my goodbyes to my Dida ( Maternal grandma) as well. I saw her for the last time almost 3 months ago. So when I saw her again, lying on a bed of flowers, engulfed in the mesmerising aroma of rajnigandha flowers , sandalwood and insense , I hugged her never to let her go. She looked peaceful and free of pain, sleeping like an angel. I took her face in my hands and felt as if she would just start talking. I massaged her hands and feet and her forehead. I heard no beats as I lay on her chest.
After a while, I got up and went to her room. It was odd not seeing her there as I stared at her bed. Suddenly the lights flickered.  After few minutes they flickered again, turning off and then on. People started wondering who did that. And I smiled 😊. It was her last good bye.

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