Thursday, November 11, 2010

Three months young !

Note: This post was written on 18th October 2010.

Three months and a week back, in the midst of a crazy hullabaloo of 'to-do's for the upcoming Biggest Festival of my life, I had wondered about today and how it would be....

It was a week before my wedding, and things seemed to be going crazily out of hand. Mumma, Baba and I were constantly putting out fires everywhere,be it invitation card shortage,or microbial growth on the new gifts for in-laws(thanks to the incessant rains and damp)!To top the cake, I had my uncontrollable wedding jitters!

The complete project of "Bride side of My Wedding" had been planned right from the conception stage. Resources were allocated along with team leads. We followed the whole process of SDLC meticulously. After setting up the Production install date, budget and the concept on hand, I started gathering requirements and created the detail design document. It was actually fun to see things being executed efficiently, setting up status calls and I was pretty happy with the progress. Baba gladly overshot the budget to accommodate ALL of my bizarre wishes to conjure up my dream wedding. I minutely scrutinized and hand-picked everything from the wedding hall seat covers to my wedding ensemble and got on many nerves in the process. But my parents, Bishu Kaku, Bapi Mama, Babun Mama and Pishi-Pishemoshai toiled uncomplainingly to fulfill my hankerings. My emotional tsunamis were also being handled simultaneously by my parents and DB. Thank you all for making my wedding the best event in my life!

One week to the wedding and sitting alone at Pima Dida's flat on that Sunday,I was wondering how it will be three months down the line. I tried to imagine how the 18th of October will be like, what we would be doing, and how I would be feeling. But I could not. I have this weird habit of visualizing things before they happen, just to enjoy some of my day dreaming moments but this time I could not. As if I have had a memory loss,but in future! I could not even begin to view what the 19th of July will dawn and show me, whereas everything till the evening of 18th July was planned, starting with my Aiburobhat, evening dance party, Gaye holud on the next day, decking up for the wedding and then the grand finale! It was a strange feeling.

Today I feel like a little girl who got her Birthday gift early . The last three months have been full of such little surprises for me. The fact that I could not imagine it before,makes it all the more special. The new life has welcomed me in full splendour ,weaving a colourful gossamer of the new relationships. The new roles as a wife and a daughter-in-law seem like a far cry from my previously conceived images. I never considered myself to be a girl who would follow the conventional weepy 'Bidai'. However, watching Baba break down ,Mumma all welled up and Bhai's moist eyes,I lost it and my tears rebelled against me. Suddenly I was terrified. Terrified of losing my parents,losing Bhai,losing my family,my home....

Today its a memory I fondly look back to. I smile. My fears seem irrational. I did not lose my family,as I feared. I gained one. What shall I say? Three months into my marriage, I am home :)!


  1. Awesome! The feeling, the emotions so raw so natural. When someone writes like this it appears as if the whole things is just happening before your eyes. Great job.

    Keep writing. The main challenge is to keep it coming.

  2. @Piyali Di: Sorry for replying so late... Thank you so much... means a lot to me :)!
